Website Copywriting Success

Client Success Story –
Early Up Pty Ltd
Website Copy

The following client success story details how we helped our clients to develop website content that helps them win more business. Dan White of Early Up Pty Ltd heads up a team of expert Gardenologists. They’re into garden design and landscaping, plus lawn and garden care. They create usable, beautiful and unique outdoor spaces their clients love spending time in… all at a competitive price while delivering outstanding service. Just for the record, a Gardenologist is someone who lives to garden, who knows and understands lawns, plants and trees, and can probably tell you more about them than you want to know. Dan says he is happiest when he’s knee-deep in grass clippings! The business has grown from one man with one vehicle on the road in 2018 – to three vehicles and a team of over 20 garden and landscaping experts. 

Words and writing which takes flight

How We Helped Dan Develop New Website Copy

In need of a new website, Dan contacted us at The Professional Writer, to help capture the Early Up difference. We spent time with Dan and his team, talking to them about the services they provide, what sets them apart from other gardening services companies and the successful outcomes they deliver for their clients. We then set about writing new website content for their updated site, including the Home page, About page, Team profiles, Services pages and FAQs. Once approved, the new content was sent to the web designer to be uploaded onto their website and the site went live! Their new website looks amazing and the feedback from clients has been fantastic! The information is clear and easy to find, making it easy for potential customers to find out more about Early Up – and contact them to book a job.

Here’s what Dan said about our Website Copywriting:

“Working with Lyndall and her team was such a rewarding process. I normally find this type of work mind-boggling and boring. I’m not great with words. However, working on this project was fun and exciting. Lyndall and her team helped me and my team get all the information about what we do to translate to a simple and powerfully website which has since paid for itself 10 fold. Lyndall was able to capture the essence of what we do PERFECTLY. The whole experience was refreshing and The Professional Writer team were amazing to work with. I highly recommend Lyndall and her team for writing website content, award submissions or any related type of professional writing – without hesitation."

 Check out the Early Up website at:  

Prosperity Planning logo

Client Success Story – Prosperity Planning Website Update

Prosperity Planning Partners is a Gold Coast-based financial planning firm delivering sound, personalised advice. They pride themselves on building quality relationships based on trust and confidence while working closely with clients to create a stress-free financial future. The team take the time to know and understand your personal financial position before tailoring solutions to maximise the outcomes. They deliver strategic guidance from an experienced, qualified financial planner which may help you save money, clear debt, build wealth and improve your future. As a fee-for-service practice, you know what you’re paying upfront. The focus is on helping improve your long-term lifestyle and provide you with choices on how you spend your retirement. Director, Gayle McKew, approached us to assist with new website content writing. Gayle’s time is limited, as she is laser-focused on assisting her clients. We were happy to collaborate with her to draft and finalise updated content. The new information better reflects the Prosperity Planning approach to quality, strategic financial advice.

Words and writing which takes flight

Gayle sent us this testimonial about the new website copy:

“I engaged Lyndall to re-write website content after a re-brand, it was a good decision as it helped us to better understand what we deliver to clients. As part of the process Lyndall interviewed me, I now better understand the feelings and reassurance the team delivers. Lyndall was able to transfer the essence of why we do what we do, and how we help, into words that connect with the reader. If you’re considering anything for your business that requires the power of words to be harnessed, or to showcase what you deliver, Lyndall should be your first call. If you want a professional result call, Lyndall, The Professional Writer!”

You can check out the content we wrote for Prosperity Planning here.  

Client Success Story – Summit Fitness Centre – New Website

Here’s an outline of how our Website Content Writing services helped Matt George of Summit Fitness Centre. Based in Lismore, Northern New South Wales, Summit Fitness Centre has been a successful gym since 2002. The independent, inclusive centre focuses on combining family, fitness and fun. They combine specialised women’s only fitness and group fitness. They also provide effective learn-to-swim classes with professional instruction and fabulous service, delivered reliably and consistently. Owner of Summit Fitness, Matt George, said, “Summit was in desperate need of a big upgrade to our website and digital performance. It was crucial that we were able to promote the unique environment and offerings that Summit had, and Lyndall’s copy certainly nailed it”.

Words and writing which takes flight

The Website Copywriting Process

After meeting with Matt, we spent time learning all about their team’s passion for fitness and improving people’s lives, creating positive change and empowering members to reach new heights. We then drafted the text for each of the pages required and submitted them for approval by the team. After a few minor edits, we were ready to roll. The copy was swiftly sent to the web developer to be uploaded onto the shiny new website. The updated site looks incredible and more accurately reflects Summit’s brand personality. Matt said, “The response from the clients and prospects has been exceptional. We have had over a 500% increase in leads! People are now walking in saying, “I’ve checked out your website and I believe that Summit is the kind of fitness centre that’s going to be right for me. They are ‘sold’ before they even walk through the door because they feel like they know us and understand our culture. That had never happened before.”

Matt gave us the following Google review on his experience:

"Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Value WOW! I love working with people that are the best at what they do. Lyndall and her team do so much more than just ‘polish’ what you give them. They have presented our business on a whole different level and filled our team with confidence and pride. The affects their work will have on my team, my customers, my prospects and ultimately, my business, will be gigantic. Thank you ever so much."

Check out Summit Fitness Centre at:

If you’d like more information about our Website Copywriting Services – check out the Services page.

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